2012年5月23日 星期三

My idea of an English Month

In the international, English, extremely, is important, as job, easily, find the job, if you have good English capacity. So people, essential, have good English capacity.

Thus, I appreciate English month and believe promotion in English.

However, I have some ideas for the activity. Firstly, I consider, necessary, student to say English in school, leading to become a habit of English.

Secondly, school shall hold some competition, as singing, oral read, drama and adage recite, promoting English knowledge. And then, certainly, competition to stimulate learning English of motivation.

Finally, I believe the result be promotion, making advantage impact in English. So I look forward to the activity.

2012年5月21日 星期一

reply letter

Dear worried mother,

I'm a student fond of the Internet, too. Like you, my parents also worry about me. But I explain the advantage of Internet, as relaxed of learning stress, learning more extra knowledge and associate new friends.

Furthermore, you can to persuade control Internet time for your son because of excess Internet impact health, least, each two hours need to rest sometimes.

However, has advantages and shortcoming of the Internet. Nonetheless, provided that you know how to control the Internet, that is good thing. Internet has any knowledge. Randomly, people, pick up, assistance in learning.

Thus, I suggest discussing with your son about the Internet. You need to understand with him.

Sincerely yours,
Li Hua

2012年5月19日 星期六

Liuyi Club

China, early, has six arts in ancient. As calligraphy, music and drawing, its is Chinese conservative. But, now, many people not study. So we organize student society, offering six arts for student, they can be knowing of Chinese art.

Liuyi Club in 2003 opening. We would like to advertise Chinese culture and association with friends, hoping foreigner to know our culture.

Also, always, we hold activity of Chinese calligraphy and drawing competition, attempting to discover talent in Chinese art and reinforce attention of the public. Furthermore, We hold the free Chinese calligraphy course and Chinese culture lecture, cultivate interest for students and recognize Chinese culture.

Our page view is www. Liuyil12345. Cn

letter of thanks

Dear Mrs. Wilson

I, highly, feel joy since joined the "one world". Thank for your action of Moore High School. Special, thank you to hold the action. Action leaded people to know the world.

In fact, I, largely, learning culture and realize the advantage of each nation. As I know what is free culture of America and romantic of Franch, also that causing know Chinese culture for all person. Thus, extremely, feeling memory of "one world".

Behind I know you accept an interview in Hong Kong, I feel exciting for this matter. May you inform the airport number to me? I would like to see you.
                                                                                                                                                    Wong Ming
Looking forward to meeting you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming

2012年5月17日 星期四

Out door or Inside learning

Learning, highly, is important. If has any knowledge you will be getting wealthy in the future. Basis is knowledge of wealth. Also, outdoor or inside of learning kind. A lot of people choose inside learning, but, nearly, many people with attention outdoor importance of learning.

I think outdoor learning better than inside learning because the classroom, only, defines learning. Student, only, learning knowledge of the book and the teacher. Also, student plays the knowledge, helping learning. Using student fun in learning, more easily, absorb knowledge.

But inside learning the same importance, student making good basis. So, if has no good basis, needing no outdoor learning. School shall attention inside and outdoor learning, they can each affect.

Fire Cause

Fire is very scary! Each year, many people, die by fire. That has any cause, as smoking, defective insulation and play match. A lot of fire cause is not nature leading. So people, carefully, must attention live safe.

From 1998 years of information on fire, 50 percent of smoking, 30 percent of defective insulation and 20 percent of play match. Thus, these are the most important cause.

Due to smoke bring for dangerous, thus, people must refrain smoking. If need to assist, you can find social department. And then, careful attention, fire in defective insulation and play match. Because it is high in ruin, it causing fire to forest, affect mankind lives.

China education

China has a good education.

In China, children, necessary, accept education. Firstly, children in 3 years old shall enter baby school. They need to suitable school lives.

Secondly, them in 6 years older enter primary school, studying English, Chinese. To begin learning real knowledge between belief owns life.

Thirdly, them in 12 years older enter secondary school, learning more different knowledge, as economics and account.To start decision oneself road, this is very important because the future way of this time.

After 6 years, they may get to enter college, accepting high education.

And then, In China, have 12 years old free education from primary to secondary school.

